Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Rockin' The Sling
We went to Primary Children's Medical Center on Monday. They were great! They unwrapped his hand and were shocked by how swollen his hand was and that he was not in more pain. The other ER had wrapped his hand flat with his fingers exposed. They wrapped it completely different and advised that he elevate his hand above his heart always. Thus the sling. The first sling was hideous. He hated how it looked and felt. What do you do when your boy is gonna miss out on all the cool snow that is dropping? You make him a new sling of course! He has requested a couple more as well. LSU, a dress one for church, and a crazy one for fun. The best part is that he is almost pain free. He says that his hand feels so much better now. Hopefully the swelling will go down and they can cast it, that is after determining if he needs surgery. We wouldn't mind some prayers in that area if you are willing!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Drink More Milk!
Side view, can you see the cracks?
You can see the three middle fingers are cracked. The x-ray tech was kind enough to let both my son and me see the x-rays before the Dr. did. She thought that it was pretty clear he had a break. From what I could gather the proper name for this kind of break is a spiral fracture. That sort makes sense when you look at these x-rays. She even told him he could have copies for souvenirs. We have to go to Primary Children's Hospital Monday. Because of the wide "crack" they will need surgery to bring them back in alignment. By the way this was a sledding accident! Yikes!!
Neither Charlie of myself have ever broken a bone, we were hoping the same would be true for our kids! We decided that Chad must need to drink more milk!! Any advice Uncle Ben?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Ringing in the Season

I am joining in with for a little open house. There are so many cute homes on display. Go visit and see all the fun blogs!!
And....the advent calender. My mom made this before I was even born. I never remember a Christmas without it! She gave it to me and we love it. My children love all the little ornaments. The funny thing is that my son thinks that the Star goes on top, the final ornament, because that was the sign! My daughter wants the baby Jesus on top, because it is His day. How do we solve this? We add ornaments every other day and whoever ends up on Christmas morning gets to pick.
One of our two Christmas eve traditions is to read the Christmas Story from the book of Luke. That always invite a nice spirit and helps us all calm down! Before that we read a cute little story that my sister shared with me. The story is of a Christmas program at school, where the little girl holds one of the letters upside down. So instead of saying Christmas Love, it reads Christ was Love. That little girl really had it right all along!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Raising a Good Man!!
Do you see all the good things going on here? He wanted to make cookies and he did. He also fielded a phone call while making them. My little multi-tasker!!! He followed the recipe for Rolo Cookies from earlier on the blog. They are surprisingly easy cookies but super tasty!!
You know in all truthfulness we really do try to raise our children to be independent. I am happy with how they are willing to try to do new things. Chad is turning into quite a good young man. He helps fix things around the house, he recently gave a talk at church and wrote it himself, now if I only I could convince him to stop tormenting his sister....oh well right now I choose to cherish this accomplishment!
Ho Ho Ho!!!
Festival of Trees!!
Every year we go visit Santa at Charlie's mom's office. She is a real estate broker and puts on a fun Christmas party! Well the last couple years Chad has been griping about sitting on Santa's lap. This year he put his foot more pictures with Santa! So we explained how there was just no way Santa could bring him any presents without a visit and a picture. Well Santa made things easy by suggesting a "gangsta Santa" would be acceptable. Chad jumped right on that train!! Morgan on the other hand was all over it...she loves the whole magical experience. She also gets nervous that she hoped on his lap and promptly told him what she would like for Christmas. The only problem is that she got all panicked and just asked for the first thing that popped into her head; something that I had never heard her ask for before. Something that was not on the way from Santa!!! I asked her if she had changed her mind, she giggled and said that she just was nervous and that she forgot what she wanted. So we are go for "Julie" the American girl doll! WHEW!!! Also, the nose on Morgan? She had danced at Festival of Trees that night. Her dance company was super cute. Unfortunately my camera has a super slow shutter speed and the only pictures I have are with her back turned. She is still cute as a bug!! Or reindeer as it may be!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Cookie of the Week (a little late)
This weeks cookie always remind me of Christmas. Something simple and yummy. I happen to know that Santa loves these cookies! They are easy to make and the kids can help roll the dough in the cinnamon/sugar mix. An easy tradition to start.
Snicker Doodles
1 Cup butter, softened
1 1/2 Cup sugar
2 eggs
2 1/2 Cup flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cream of tartar
cinnamon and sugar mixed in a bowl
Cream shortening and sugar. Beat in eggs. Sift dry ingredients together and add to creamed mixture; stir. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Roll dough into walnut sized balls and roll in the cinnamon/sugar mixture. Place on ungreased cookie sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Cool on wire rack. Makes about 4 dozen cookies.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
100 Things
This past Sunday the speaker at church asked us to make a list of 100 things we are thankful for in our lives. So I am going to give it a shot.
1. Charlie
2. Chad
3. Morgan
4. all my family
5. the restored gospel of Jesus Christ on earth today
6. health
7. a home
8. my husbands job
9. safety
10. friends
11. a car
12. books to read
13. eyes that work (remember the whole in my retina?)
14. a down comforter
15. my children laughs
16. new buds on the trees in the spring
17. the color of fall leaves
18. my scriptures that are all worn and well loved
19. tivo
20. my cookbooks
21. toothpaste and mouthwash
22. mints on fast Sunday (they should give them out at the door!)
23. my kids teachers
24. Pepsi
25. fresh tomatoes
26. fresh salsa
27. guacamole
28. contact lens
29. email
30. friends that make my blog cute
31. my nephew who lives with us and visits often
32. my niece who lives close by and makes me laugh
33. washing machines
34. dryers
35. dish washer
36. refrigerator
37. Paces Popsicles
38. medical insurance
39. a good doctor
40. medicine that is readily available
41. comfy pillows
42. fireplace
43. my neighbors huge tree that shades our house in the summer
44. happy hollow
45. all my nieces and nephews!
46. flushable wipes
47. cleaning wipes
48. the pond
49. the pool
50. the beach
51. even though we don't live near it but a sea breeze!
52. sunsets
53. sunrises
54. good jokes
55. clinique lotion
56. carmex lip gloss
57. warm water every day
58. chocolate
59. bubble bath
60. pedicures
61. Advil
62. bike rides
63. rocket (the dog)
64. computer
65. cell phone
66. freshly made bread
67. ipod
68. hot chocolate
69. fresh snow (when I can stay home)
70. sense of humor
71. frozen grapes
72. newly blossomed spring garden
73. vacation at my sister Tara's house!!!!
74. baseball
75. peace I feel when I pray
76. a living prophet
77. my testimony
78. my calling
79. fresh sheets!
80. Costco
81. target
82. the D.I.
83. garage sale finds
84. my journal
85. eyebrow waxing
86. Christmas morning
87. Easter
88. Thanksgiving
89. the color red
90. Chad's jokes
91. the ability to laugh instead of cry
92. a father who taught me to laugh instead of cry
93. a mother who taught me to be craft, caring, and always smile!
94. a free country
95. leaders who pray
96. a God who loves me
97. knowing my God loves me
98. the Holy Ghost that testifies of all things good and true
99. an eternal marriage
100. my Savior Jesus Christ
1. Charlie
2. Chad
3. Morgan
4. all my family
5. the restored gospel of Jesus Christ on earth today
6. health
7. a home
8. my husbands job
9. safety
10. friends
11. a car
12. books to read
13. eyes that work (remember the whole in my retina?)
14. a down comforter
15. my children laughs
16. new buds on the trees in the spring
17. the color of fall leaves
18. my scriptures that are all worn and well loved
19. tivo
20. my cookbooks
21. toothpaste and mouthwash
22. mints on fast Sunday (they should give them out at the door!)
23. my kids teachers
24. Pepsi
25. fresh tomatoes
26. fresh salsa
27. guacamole
28. contact lens
29. email
30. friends that make my blog cute
31. my nephew who lives with us and visits often
32. my niece who lives close by and makes me laugh
33. washing machines
34. dryers
35. dish washer
36. refrigerator
37. Paces Popsicles
38. medical insurance
39. a good doctor
40. medicine that is readily available
41. comfy pillows
42. fireplace
43. my neighbors huge tree that shades our house in the summer
44. happy hollow
45. all my nieces and nephews!
46. flushable wipes
47. cleaning wipes
48. the pond
49. the pool
50. the beach
51. even though we don't live near it but a sea breeze!
52. sunsets
53. sunrises
54. good jokes
55. clinique lotion
56. carmex lip gloss
57. warm water every day
58. chocolate
59. bubble bath
60. pedicures
61. Advil
62. bike rides
63. rocket (the dog)
64. computer
65. cell phone
66. freshly made bread
67. ipod
68. hot chocolate
69. fresh snow (when I can stay home)
70. sense of humor
71. frozen grapes
72. newly blossomed spring garden
73. vacation at my sister Tara's house!!!!
74. baseball
75. peace I feel when I pray
76. a living prophet
77. my testimony
78. my calling
79. fresh sheets!
80. Costco
81. target
82. the D.I.
83. garage sale finds
84. my journal
85. eyebrow waxing
86. Christmas morning
87. Easter
88. Thanksgiving
89. the color red
90. Chad's jokes
91. the ability to laugh instead of cry
92. a father who taught me to laugh instead of cry
93. a mother who taught me to be craft, caring, and always smile!
94. a free country
95. leaders who pray
96. a God who loves me
97. knowing my God loves me
98. the Holy Ghost that testifies of all things good and true
99. an eternal marriage
100. my Savior Jesus Christ
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Cookie of The Week
This week we made out traditional sugar cookie recipe. We make and decorate these cookies for several holidays during the year. Then we share them with neighbors! You will see in these pictures that Morgan is still happy to be in the pictures and all that good stuff. But Chad will not. He will help cut, roll and decorate! He will not allow himself to be in the pictures doing any of these things. Although making bunny ears behind his sister is still OK in his mind. This is one of those traditions that I kind of dread because of the time and mess. In the end I am thankful for the tradition. I am thankful for the time spent together, the jokes, the laughter, even the mess!
1 Cup butter at room temperature
2 Cups sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 Cup sour cream
4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
6-8 Cups flour
Cream together the first 4 ingredients. Add the next 3 then add one cup of flour at a time until it makes a soft dough. Refrigerate for at least an hour. Roll out and cut into lovely shapes!! Bake at 250 for 7-9 minutes. I use store bought frosting because I am lazy, but you could make some too!! Enjoy!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A Little Piece of Heaven (or Cinnamon Rolls)
The Roll!
5 Cups warm water
3 tbl. yeast
2 tbls sugar
Add the yeast and sugar to the water, do not stir!
Let proof in the bowl for about 5 minutes.
14-16 Cups flour (unbleached all purpose)
2 tbl. salt
2/3 canola oil
2/3 cup white sugar
Add yeast/water mixture to the 1/2 the four and all other ingredients in a large bowl.
Mix with a spoon adding 1 cup of flour at a time until it is too sticky.
Scrape out onto a floured counter and begin kneading.
Adding enough flour to properly knead the dough.
This dough is fairly stiff and should be kneaded for 10 minutes.
You can mix this dough in a "Bosch" if you have one. It is too large and
stiff to mix in my Kitchen Aid.
Let rise in the washed bowl, covered with a dish towel. The dough has
risen enough when it begins to mound on the top of the bowl.
At this point you may make 4 loaves of bread or 2 large batches of cinnamon rolls.
To make cinnamon rolls you will need:
2 cubes butter (at room temperature)
4 Cups dark brown sugar
nuts or raisins (optional)
Punch down and divide dough into 2 even sections. Roll out each section into a
large, loosely rectangular shape. Melt one cube of butter and spread
over the dough sprinkle with 2 Cups brown sugar and cinnamon to taste.
Add nut and or raisins if you and yours enjoy them.
I sprinkle cinnamon over the top so that there is an even sprinkle but not completely
covering the dough.
Roll firmly and cut in about 2 inch pieces. Each 1/2 of the dough will make
12 rolls, you may have a couple extra. Place cut rolls on greased 1/2 sheet
cookie sheet. Let rise covered for about 1/2 hour. Then bake in a preheated
350 degree oven for 20 minutes. Repeat with other half.
The Frosting!
1 block cream cheese
2 cubes butter
whipping cream
big bag powdered sugar
1 orange
a pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla
Cream butter and cream cheese together. Add the juice of one orange, salt and vanilla.
Slowly add powdered sugar and whipping cream a little at a time until
it is the consistency you like. Spread over pan or individual rolls. Be sure
to refrigerate leftover frosting.
ENJOY!! These rolls are really worth the work...they are so yummy!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Simple Sunday
And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do recieve.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Simple Sunday
That ye contend no more against the Holy Ghost, but that ye receive it, and take upon you the name of Christ; that ye humble yourselves even to the dust, and worship God, in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth; and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Cookie Of The Week
Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
2 C butter
2 C sugar
2 C brown sugar
4 eggs
2 tsp soda
2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla
5 C oatmeal (blended into a flour)
4 C flour
24 oz chocolate chips (I use 1/2 mild and 1/2 semi sweet)
3 C chopped nuts (your choice)
Cream butter, add sugars. Then eggs and next 4 ingredients. Add oatmeal one cup at a time, then do the same with the four. Add chocolate chips and nuts. This is a super thick dough! Drop by ball onto cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Simple Sunday
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord:
though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
though they be red like crimson; they shall be as wool.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
White Chicken Chili
3 T. olive oil
2 medium onions, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
2-4oz can mild green chilies, chopped
2 t. ground cumin
1 1/2 dried oregano, crumbled
1/2 t. cayenne pepper
3 -16oz can white beans, ( I use great northern)
5 c. chicken broth
3 c. shredded monterey jack cheese
garnish with sour cream, more cheese, and tortilla chips.
Place chicken in pot and cover with water, boil until cooked, about 15 minutes. Drain and cool. Heat oil in same pot over medium high heat. Add onions, garlic, chilies, and spices. Cook on low until onions are clear. Add bean, undrained, broth and shredded chicken. Let simmer for 5 minutes. Add cheese 1 cup at a time. Stir to combine.
This Chile is great, people love it. Sometimes I will add cooked rice to my bowl then add the chili, that is yummy too. Also if you substitute low-fat cheese it is a great Weight Watchers dinner!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Getting it Together!
My friend Emily posted the cutest thread today. She was
asking people what they did to make things easier or more organized.
We all have little things we do or have done in the past to get
things put together.
So what do you do?
These are my wall hooks and clipboards. I have one for each child.
I covered the clipboards with cute paper. Then the kids hang their
backpacks, dancing bags, hats, scarves and coats. The clipboards
hold spelling lists, school assignments, book orders and any other
items that we need to keep track of.
stuff, Brownie scouts, Young Women's and family stuff.
So in the school binder I have dividers for each child, then one extra
for general school information. I keep the teacher information behind
each divider and then lunch menus and school phone numbers and
important dates behind the general info. In the family binder
I keep dividers for each person with page protectors to hold
important documents. School schedules, extra curriculum activities
information. These binders seem to really make things easier to
find whenever I need something for someone.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Fake Cafe Rio Pork Salad (for Sarah, Andrea and Tara)
Pork Roast ( I get mine from Costco, it costs about $10 and comes 3 in a pack, I use all three at once)
2 liter bottle of Coke (not diet)
Place the pork in crock pot, cover with coke.
Cook on high for about 8 hours. Drain off coke. Place pork back in
crock pot and shred, still set on high.
Add to that 1 large can green enchilada sauce and 2 Cups of dark brown sugar.
I also add 1/2 Cup molasses. Cover and let sit for about 10 minutes.
Stir and shred a little more.
1 package of tostada shells
romaine lettuce, washed and shredded
monterey jack cheese, shredded
rice and beans of your choice, heated
salsa and sour cream
I like to make a salad from the pork. I place the lettuce on the bottom
then add rice and beans, pork and some crumbled tostada shell.
Top with salsa, cheese and sour cream.
I don't like to use dressing. But if you really like the Cafe Rio salad dressing...
rumor has it you can google the recipe and come up with
something pretty close.
I hope you like this as much as me!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Who wants to play tag?

I was tagged! This is my first time being tagged. Thanks to Emily White, my friend from Bakersfield...even though she lives in San Antonio now. Here’s a few things you may not know about me...
Five Things I was doing 10 years ago:
1- I was going to school to be a landscape architect.
2- Living in Huntington Beach.
3- Riding my bike every day with Chad in the Burley.
4- Falling in love with my scriptures for the first time in my life.
5- Earning extra money by gardening/weeding yards.
Five things on my to-do list today:1- Make cookie of the week.
2- Put the winter sheets on all the beds.
3- Make bread for our dinner.
4- Go on Morgans class field trip.
5- Help Chad finish his "Reflections" project. WOW! (that's the theme)
Five snacks that I enjoy:
2- Living in Huntington Beach.
3- Riding my bike every day with Chad in the Burley.
4- Falling in love with my scriptures for the first time in my life.
5- Earning extra money by gardening/weeding yards.
Five things on my to-do list today:1- Make cookie of the week.
2- Put the winter sheets on all the beds.
3- Make bread for our dinner.
4- Go on Morgans class field trip.
5- Help Chad finish his "Reflections" project. WOW! (that's the theme)
Five snacks that I enjoy:
1- PEPSI!!!
2- Snickers
2- Snickers
3- Tortilla chips and salsa
4- Fresh bread
5- Chocolate!
Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1- Pay tithing (same as Emily)
2- Pay off the house and all other debt (same as Emily)
3- Buy a new family van or SUV (same as Emily)
4- Take a trip to Hawaii
5- Buy a swap cooler, dish washer, and re-carpet the house!
Five places I have lived:
4- Fresh bread
5- Chocolate!
Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1- Pay tithing (same as Emily)
2- Pay off the house and all other debt (same as Emily)
3- Buy a new family van or SUV (same as Emily)
4- Take a trip to Hawaii
5- Buy a swap cooler, dish washer, and re-carpet the house!
Five places I have lived:
1- Scotsdale, AZ2- Bakersfield, CA
3- Huntington Beach, CA
4- Corona, CA
5- Farmington, UT
Five Jobs I have had:
1- Newspaper reporter ( same as Emily, I swear it is true, junior in high school, Orange County Register)
2- Snack Bar at roller skating rink ( I can make a mean cotton candy!)
3- Gap girl (this too, same as Emily and I was a sophomore in high school)
4- Receptionist
5-Stay at home Mom
Now it’s your turn. I tag the following five people:
3- Huntington Beach, CA
4- Corona, CA
5- Farmington, UT
Five Jobs I have had:
1- Newspaper reporter ( same as Emily, I swear it is true, junior in high school, Orange County Register)
2- Snack Bar at roller skating rink ( I can make a mean cotton candy!)
3- Gap girl (this too, same as Emily and I was a sophomore in high school)
4- Receptionist
5-Stay at home Mom
Now it’s your turn. I tag the following five people:
Sandy Hunsaker
Sarah Roberts
Tara Wach (better get going on that blog!!)
Sara Holmes
Andrea Opfar
Cookie of the Week
Old Fashioned Gingersnaps
3/4 C shortening
1 C sugar
1/4 C molasses
1 egg
2 tsp baking soda
1/4 t salt
1 t ground ginger
1 t ground cloves
1 t cinnamon
2 C flour
sugar to roll dough in
Blend together shortening and sugar. Add molasses and egg, beat well.
Add spices, soda, and salt mix. Add flour.
Form teaspoonfuls of dough into balls; roll in sugar. Place 2 inches apart on
cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 12-13 minutes.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Take Down!!
These pictures mostly speak for themselves. Chad decided to give wrestling a go....he was one of the biggest boys there weighing in at 110.6. He was placed in the 105-130 weight division. Is it just me or is that a huge range of weights. I have always thought he was a bit stocky...not so! Thankfully this big, giant boy who is wiping the mat with my son is a friend of his. Nick who has played both baseball and football with Chad weighs in at a huge 'ole 135. There was no other boys to wrestle with Nick and since really it was just for fun he wrestled with Chad's weight division. I think it would have been so much worse if he had not been friends. After 4 days of practice and training they had a tournament. Chad came in 2nd. Not too shabby!
As a mother I must say....I hate this sport!! It is so personal. You find yourself yelling things that a person should never say to their child. FLIP HIM! HOLD HIM! CHAD YOU CAN DO IT, PIN HIM! PULL HIS ARM BACK, GRAB HIS LEG, NOW HOLD HIM DOWN! PUSH HIS FACE IN THE MAT! OK that one was from Charlie!! But still you get the idea. What I hated most was that there had to be a loser. Man of man, this poor kid was abused, or so it seemed to me. I hated seeing it. It seems so wrong. In the end I told Chad, I hate this sport. His response? Guess what mom? So do I! I will never complain that football is too violent again!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
One Last Push

We only have one day left before the election. It seems that this campaign has gone on forever and yet now it is upon us. I myself am quite decided on how I will be voting. I have felt lately a strong pull for the return of values. We as a nation seem to be thumbing our noses at God. I am praying that God being merciful will give us a miracle and grant us with leaders not that we deserve through our actions but ones that we need. I worry for the future we are giving our children. This weekend I have spent a lot of time reading my scriptures and praying. I am praying for wisdom. I am praying for other people to have wisdom.
Tomorrow I will dedicate a fast to this end. I will pray and fast that a miracle will happen. I would invite anyone to join me who feels inclined.
Proverbs 29:2
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
I think that says it all.
Simple Sunday
Ether 2:8-9, 12
7. And the Lord would not suffer that they should stop beyond the sea in the wilderness, but he would that they should come forth even unto the land of promise, which was choice above all other lands, which the Lord God had preserved for a righteous people.
8. And he had sworn in his wrath unto the brother of Jared, that whoso should possess this land of promise, from that time henceforth and forever, should serve him, the true and only god, or they should be swept off when the fulness of his wrath should come upon them.
12. Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who manifested by the things which we have written.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New Bag
I Learned to make this bag on Martha Stewart a while ago. Since then I have gotten better! Also I learned a few tricks to make it buy your canvas at a good fabric store, Joannes is fine. The stuff from Walmart is too flimsy. Next use 100% wool felt, it is costly but you only use a little bit and it is SO much easier to cut. It cuts very smoothly.
I have discovered that by using these supplies the bags are really quite "green". Besides the fact that they are all made from renewable resources... it is also better to use your own bag then the store ones! See how I think. This bag is for my sister. She makes a big effort to be green. I wanted to support that.
So Happy Birthday, Tanya!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Cookie of the Week
Chocolate Rolo Cookies
1 chocolate cake mix
1/2 Cup oil
2 eggs
2 tablespoons flour
rolos, unwrapped
a bowl of sugar for rolling
Combine cake mix, oil, eggs and flour. Roll a ball of dough around a rolo. Roll ball in the bowl of sugar to coat. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes or until the tops crack.
This recipe was given to me by a friend, Allie from Bakersfield. It is super easy and so yummy! The rolos melt so it is really like a caramel filled chocolate cookie. They are way better warm out of the oven then the next day. Although they are not bad then either! Enjoy them Cameron!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Simple Sunday
2 Nephi 10:23-24
Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember
that ye are free to act for yourselves-to choose the
way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life.
Wherefore, my beloved brethern reconcile
yourselves to the will of God, and not to the will
of the devil and the flesh; and remember, after
ye are reconciled unto God, that it is only in and
through the grace of God that ye are saved.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hippy Chick
This week is "Say no to Drugs" week at school.
Each day they have done something fun to help the
kids get into the whole spirit of it. I Think
it is a great idea to help the kids see ways they
can have fun, without drugs and alcohol.
Today was "hippy day" ; trust me
the irony was not lost on me!
I have been sick for about 2 weeks, and this
morning when the kids told me they had to dress
as hippies I was not happy. Chad had gone to a
birthday party where he dressed up as a bit of a
hippy, so he wore that. Morgan on the other hand
had nothing....I told her I was sorry but that she
did not have anything. That we could just do her hair
hippy style. She started crying and I started to feel
bad. So I felt bad...and of course HAD to sew her
something....oh man! I don't think it turned out
too bad. What do you think?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Heaven Sent Talent
This Unbelievable Dress was made by a
crazy, super talented woman who can be found at
This is the craziest part...she is giving this dress away!!
You heard me!!
She makes the most incredible clothes...then
gives them away...Go check it out!

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Family Tree
This is one of my favorite paper crafts ever. It is so simple.
First you pick a nice background paper. I like the stripey one.
Truth be told the one I am scrap lifting is actually pieced together
with several different papers, little strips glued to one
background paper. I thought there were so many cute
paper patterns that I would just cut out that step. OK, so
I don't have a "Cricut" machine but my friend does. She
generously cute oodles of ovals out for me in each color. The
exact amount is about 20 in each color. Way more then you
imagine you need. Next I used a stamp pad, brownish in color
to edge and distress the leaves. I also folded them in half to give
them even more dimension. Then you just write the
names of your family members on as many leaves
as you need. I just did my immediate family but
extended family would be really cute too.
Then I just free hand drew a tree trunk on the
back of the brown paper. Then I cut it out, next I used glue
dots to adhere the tree trunk to the paper. Then you add
the leaves, making sure to evenly distribute the names
and colors.
Last I added a cute little quote about how
money does not grow on this tree,
that it is a tree where love grows, and finished
it off with our family name and date of marriage!
Kids and Friends
A few days ago my friends Sara took my kids, her kids, and a couple other kids
to Pioneer Village. This was so very nice to her, and maybe just a bit insane!
The kids had so much fun. Especially Morgan, she got to ride
a horse. Chad tells me he is too old for pony rides. Well
poo poo on him for growing up! Morgan made a corn husk doll,
which is super cute and simple. I think that the favorite part
of the day was dipping candles. They both dipped
their own and loved telling me all about it. So we put them in a
cup of popcorn to help them stand up and lit them up.
I think the best part of the day for them was the sense of
satisfaction they both had by making something for
themselves. A good thing to remember.
The Table
Do you remember this table?
It's been so long, sorry!
it just sort of opens into the living room. So this
serves as the entry table. Right now it has a few of my
fall decorations on it!
I spray painted the whole thing. Having painted furniture
the traditional way and now spray painted...
I would have to say that spray painting is
easier. BUT...I like the finish of hand painting better.
That being said I must admit, I may not be the
best spray painter...maybe there is a trick that
I do not know. Either way I like the table so
much better this color!
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