Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Rockin' The Sling
We went to Primary Children's Medical Center on Monday. They were great! They unwrapped his hand and were shocked by how swollen his hand was and that he was not in more pain. The other ER had wrapped his hand flat with his fingers exposed. They wrapped it completely different and advised that he elevate his hand above his heart always. Thus the sling. The first sling was hideous. He hated how it looked and felt. What do you do when your boy is gonna miss out on all the cool snow that is dropping? You make him a new sling of course! He has requested a couple more as well. LSU, a dress one for church, and a crazy one for fun. The best part is that he is almost pain free. He says that his hand feels so much better now. Hopefully the swelling will go down and they can cast it, that is after determining if he needs surgery. We wouldn't mind some prayers in that area if you are willing!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Drink More Milk!
Side view, can you see the cracks?
You can see the three middle fingers are cracked. The x-ray tech was kind enough to let both my son and me see the x-rays before the Dr. did. She thought that it was pretty clear he had a break. From what I could gather the proper name for this kind of break is a spiral fracture. That sort makes sense when you look at these x-rays. She even told him he could have copies for souvenirs. We have to go to Primary Children's Hospital Monday. Because of the wide "crack" they will need surgery to bring them back in alignment. By the way this was a sledding accident! Yikes!!
Neither Charlie of myself have ever broken a bone, we were hoping the same would be true for our kids! We decided that Chad must need to drink more milk!! Any advice Uncle Ben?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Ringing in the Season

I am joining in with for a little open house. There are so many cute homes on display. Go visit and see all the fun blogs!!
And....the advent calender. My mom made this before I was even born. I never remember a Christmas without it! She gave it to me and we love it. My children love all the little ornaments. The funny thing is that my son thinks that the Star goes on top, the final ornament, because that was the sign! My daughter wants the baby Jesus on top, because it is His day. How do we solve this? We add ornaments every other day and whoever ends up on Christmas morning gets to pick.
One of our two Christmas eve traditions is to read the Christmas Story from the book of Luke. That always invite a nice spirit and helps us all calm down! Before that we read a cute little story that my sister shared with me. The story is of a Christmas program at school, where the little girl holds one of the letters upside down. So instead of saying Christmas Love, it reads Christ was Love. That little girl really had it right all along!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Raising a Good Man!!
Do you see all the good things going on here? He wanted to make cookies and he did. He also fielded a phone call while making them. My little multi-tasker!!! He followed the recipe for Rolo Cookies from earlier on the blog. They are surprisingly easy cookies but super tasty!!
You know in all truthfulness we really do try to raise our children to be independent. I am happy with how they are willing to try to do new things. Chad is turning into quite a good young man. He helps fix things around the house, he recently gave a talk at church and wrote it himself, now if I only I could convince him to stop tormenting his sister....oh well right now I choose to cherish this accomplishment!
Ho Ho Ho!!!
Festival of Trees!!
Every year we go visit Santa at Charlie's mom's office. She is a real estate broker and puts on a fun Christmas party! Well the last couple years Chad has been griping about sitting on Santa's lap. This year he put his foot more pictures with Santa! So we explained how there was just no way Santa could bring him any presents without a visit and a picture. Well Santa made things easy by suggesting a "gangsta Santa" would be acceptable. Chad jumped right on that train!! Morgan on the other hand was all over it...she loves the whole magical experience. She also gets nervous that she hoped on his lap and promptly told him what she would like for Christmas. The only problem is that she got all panicked and just asked for the first thing that popped into her head; something that I had never heard her ask for before. Something that was not on the way from Santa!!! I asked her if she had changed her mind, she giggled and said that she just was nervous and that she forgot what she wanted. So we are go for "Julie" the American girl doll! WHEW!!! Also, the nose on Morgan? She had danced at Festival of Trees that night. Her dance company was super cute. Unfortunately my camera has a super slow shutter speed and the only pictures I have are with her back turned. She is still cute as a bug!! Or reindeer as it may be!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Cookie of the Week (a little late)
This weeks cookie always remind me of Christmas. Something simple and yummy. I happen to know that Santa loves these cookies! They are easy to make and the kids can help roll the dough in the cinnamon/sugar mix. An easy tradition to start.
Snicker Doodles
1 Cup butter, softened
1 1/2 Cup sugar
2 eggs
2 1/2 Cup flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cream of tartar
cinnamon and sugar mixed in a bowl
Cream shortening and sugar. Beat in eggs. Sift dry ingredients together and add to creamed mixture; stir. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Roll dough into walnut sized balls and roll in the cinnamon/sugar mixture. Place on ungreased cookie sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Cool on wire rack. Makes about 4 dozen cookies.
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