We had to wait until our home sold in Utah before we could rent a home here in Tennessee. The house in Utah fell out of contract twice. SO frustrating! So when Charlie's mom (our Realtor! She is great Sandy Hoover called to tell us about this 3rd offer we were very skeptic. This offer was a cash offer, that had a contingency. Also they wanted to close in a week! We honestly did not believe this offer had any chance of going through when the others fell apart also. Well everything went just as planned and we immediately went house hunting. We had some crazy requirements. We wanted to be in certain school districts and we didn't want the kids to have to change wards especially after changing schools. Basically we had a couple square miles to find a house in. While looking at a house I expressed that I was really wishing we could find a house in this other section of town. Frank, the rental agent, told us he had a couple who was trying to get out of their lease. He sent us over to check in out. I loved it immediately. It was in the area we desired, had a large yard, a great kitchen, across from a greenbelt, better master bedroom/bath overall just a nicer house.

Houses in the south are different. While we have had basements here we have attics. We also have a couple designated tornado safe rooms. Yikes! Didn't have to think about that in Utah. The following pictures were taken the day after the mover left. Still in shambles. Hopefully soon I will have pictures with no boxes in them!
The view first view of the house. Actually looking forward to decorating this area of the house!
The dining room is immediately to the left. By the way this is the first time we have had a formal dining room.
Notice how I stocked this with only the requirements for one night? We are thinking to add another shelf on the right to give us a little more storage.
Across from the pantry is a little butlers pantry. I actually wish it was just floor to ceiling shelves. But hey at least I somewhere to put the family china. Now to use the family china!
Double ovens. Most people thinks Thanksgiving dinner ease right? Me? I can bake a batch of cookies in 14 minutes with these bad boys!
We have a bit more storage in this kitchen but I am struggling to get it all sorted in the way that makes the most sense. I always have a baking cupboard right above my KitchenAid stand mixer so that baking said cookies above is that much easier.
The other side of the kitchen. It has really pretty cupboards and really pretty floors. And is one huge mess!
Laundry room. This room has one crazy fancy sink! I cannot imagine what they were thinking.
Kitchen dining. See all those boxes! I hate moving.
The family room. So because there is a formal dining room there is no formal living room. Snap! I am going to miss that. Somewhere to put all the little pretty things.
Our bedroom is so much bigger then our last house. We bought a king sized bed and it looks so small in our room. More boxes!
The master bath has double vanities and that is pretty cool. That way I don't have to deal with all of Charlie's hair stuff! Wait maybe that is the other way around.
The largest shower I have ever seen. But I have to admit it is kind of cool. At first all I saw was the water spots I was going to have to try to keep off this shower but you know there are really none. I think because the water is soft in the south it is not so much of a problem.
The view from the stairs. Kind of strange to me. AKA kids sit on the ledge to chat with parents.
A little homework nook for the kids. They are so excited about that. NOT! I plan to just store all the school supplies there for the kids.
One of the 3 attics. This one is right off the homework nook. I soooo wish it were finished into a big bonus room. Jack likes to explore the area though.
Kids bathroom.
Morgan is thrilled to have a room with a little personality. She has already been decorating and arranging her little area.
The closets in the south are much much larger. Morgan loves that. Somehow I didn't take pictures of Chad's room. It looks the same as Morgan's only it has a larger closet and no lavender.
This is a pet peeve of mine. This picture is shows the chandelier that is over the front door. Across is a cute little dormer window. I wished that they would have enclosed the ceiling and that way we could actually do something with this area. Oh well. At least it has some pretty light.
And my office. I have actually really been working to get this room put back together. We seem to be missing a box. The box with the top shelf of my bookshelf!
So many boxes unpacked.
The last few boxes to be unpacked. Now to tidy up the house and try to make it into a home!