Here are the answers to the questions they asked me to post...
What are your hobbies? Sewing, taking pictures, and reading
What are your favorite colors? Red and Robbins egg blue
Do you collect anything? cookbooks and fabric
Are you allergic to any fibers or animals? cats!
Do you have any pets? 2 dogs a 9 year old yellow lab and a 1 year old golden retriever
Coffee, Tea, or Chocolate? Herbal tea and CHOCOLATE!
What do you like to read? Almost anything. Quilting magazines and photography magazines.
Do you prefer Cookies or Candies as a sweet? Peppermint candies!
What is your favorite holiday treat? hot chocolate in the early morning with a candy cane in it!
Describe your favorite holiday tradition. Reading the Nativity story from 2nd Luke by the lights on our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.
Did you believe in Santa as a child? Oh yes! Until I was at least 10. My mom made it MAGICAL!
When do you open presents? One on Christmas Eve the rest Christmas morning.
Do you put up a tree and when? If not, how do you celebrate? I love to put our tree up the first Saturday after Thanksgiving.
Does your tree have a theme? Not to the average eye. But I received an ornament every year from both my grandmother and mother. So it is really a tree of my history! I do the same for my children now and so does my mom!
What has been your favorite gift to give? to receive? I like to make handmade gifts. I think the soft quilts are the most fun to give. And to receive I would say I love anything...but I really do like handmade gifts!